Welcome to the D1Scout Demo
12/3/08 - 01:15 PM

This page represents what you would see if you had gone through the registration process and followed the steps to create a basic framework for your team or organization, including selecting your site’s address, colors, uploading your school logo/banner etc. 


We’ll be posting additional demo information for the registration process and specific site permissions shortly, but it’s really pretty simple so we wanted to get you to the guts of the site from the outset so you can get a feel for the key functionality.


Now that you’re at your basic team or org page, if you want to add content or make changes to your site, you need to enter the Admin section, which is located at the bottom of the menu list at left under Member Login. 


Once you click Admin, you will be asked to login with a username and password to ensure only appropriate personnel can access your site’s management section.  Please use the following to enter the demo site manager:


Username:        demo@d1scout.com

Password:        demo



Please Note:

Any information you enter in the demo site will be cleared every few hours.  So if you’d like to create a test site and save the format and data, please sign up for our Free 30-day Trial and you will be able to effectively maintain a mock site and save all additions and changes for a full 30-day period.


For obvious reasons, we also ask that you refrain from uploading inappropriate content in the demo area. 


Have fun with the site and we welcome any feedback you have relative to the demo process or the site itself.


Thanks for visiting,


The D1 Scout team.
